Why Choose an Independent Pharmacy?

Here are some GREAT reasons to choose Blue River Pharmacy, your LOCAL, independent pharmacy:
1. We offer everything a chain pharmacy offers… and more! With Blue River Pharmacy you will get that hometown "mom & pop" feeling along with wellness services, unique over-the-counter products, medical equipment and more.
2. Great services! We offer state-wide delivery, daily county-wide delivery, compounding, medication management packaging, curbside pickup, and short wait time.
3. We are available for our patients. If you have questions or concerns, our pharmacists are here to talk with you whether over the phone or in person.
4. Need medical equipment? You can visit our store and experience for yourself various medical equipment like lift chairs, bathroom aids, and Diabetic shoes.
5. We carry hard-to-find items such as specialty first aid and unique over-the-counter items.
6. Family, locally-owned .. We give directly back to the community. Some examples include: sponsorships, participation in community events, donation of medication to medical international missions, and partnerships with free health clinics.
7. We accept most insurance plans and are accredited to provide equipment and prescriptions to Medicare patients
8. We want to personally know you and your family.
9. We are available 24hrs by an after-hours cell phone number.